Bloggin' from The Bend of Time

Friday, January 28, 2005

Dum de dum dum

Not much happening on the me front, but plenty in the Myst community. Cyan just updated their site, which harkens back to their old design, in the Before-Time. I'm dying for them to update it, especially for more tidbits on Myst V. They also are ready to release Myst and Riven for the PocketPC, which suprised me that it's coming out so quickly. I would love to see Myst and Riven for the DS. They do need the cash; they can't afford six-year development cycles right now. And even though I am obsessed with the D'niverse (and I mean OBSESSED), I think I'm a bit more excited about this brand-new "Something Else" (blasphemy!!).

I also got into a bit of trouble at UO. I had found a website that let you make your own computer error messages. The problem was, I knew the site contained profanity, but I thought it would be okay just to post my own funny messages. However, with so many PMing me for the link, the thread turned into spammity-spam. I was a bit bummed (I don't like getting scolded), but the mods explained their position, and locked the thread, I apologized with a PM, everything's cool now, end of story. Or so I thought. Please please please, for those who want to turn this into a crusade, don't. No need to create teh intarweb drama over something so trivial.

I logged on to Tapestry shard for the first time in like two weeks; turns out I linked to Ae'gura during TAG's first Happy Hour at Kahlo Pub. We hit the max capacity with 30 people. We talked, we imbibed, we danced to awesome music by susanszy, Donahoo and TheThunder, we ghosted, we crashed--good times. I must admit, it's a bit surreal to boogie down to "Funkytown" in the ruins of a dead civilization...

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Let's try this again

I had started this blog as a second attempt at blogging: my Livejournal account has been mostly dormant for months, as I only tend to post on those rare occasions I have something funny to say or a cool link to share. Of course, I haven't updated this blog in months either!

I'm a procrastinator. I wasn't when I was younger, but ever since my first year in college, I find myself putting projects to the side more and more. It's not that I'm skipping schoolwork or getting bad grades; I just don't like the feeling of putting things off until the last minute anymore. I would feel more prepared and less stressed if I didn't wait until the night before to write that essay, or do that project. I know this. But of course, it still doesn't stop me from doing it. And as for things I never got around to doing at all--it's always for stuff outside of school. For example, I had so much planned for myself during winter break. I was going to post more on my LJ. Write some Myst poetry and fanfiction. Be more involved with UU. Replay Revelation and make a journal for it. Submit play proposals for the theater department for next season. Be more physically active, as much as bad winter weather would allow. Finish some of the videogames I started. How many of these plans have I accomplished? NONE!

What stopped me? I had all the time in the world! I had nearly SIX weeks of vacation! I basically just sat on my rear for nearly a month!

Why do I do it? Being lazy is fun for a time, but it does get boring after awhile. And what am I waiting for to stop this pattern of procrastination? The stroke of midnight on New Year's was going to be the dawning of a more productive Samantha, but getting slammed with the flu that night put an end to that. Argh! Am I waiting for a sign or something? Why wait any longer??

Ah well, "to dwell in the past is to die in the present." Instead of beating myself up, how about I say what I DID accomplish?

I got a small part-time job as a secretary at the church I used to attend. Very few hours a week, but they paid well. I beat Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, Feel The Magic XX/XY, and Sprung. I did write some Myst fanfic, but only a pure stream-of-consciousness journal entry from Sirrus' POV, and a random Riven poem. I got to hang out with my hometown friends, and spend time with my father.

And I just updated my blog. :)