Let's try this again
I had started this blog as a second attempt at blogging: my Livejournal account has been mostly dormant for months, as I only tend to post on those rare occasions I have something funny to say or a cool link to share. Of course, I haven't updated this blog in months either!
I'm a procrastinator. I wasn't when I was younger, but ever since my first year in college, I find myself putting projects to the side more and more. It's not that I'm skipping schoolwork or getting bad grades; I just don't like the feeling of putting things off until the last minute anymore. I would feel more prepared and less stressed if I didn't wait until the night before to write that essay, or do that project. I know this. But of course, it still doesn't stop me from doing it. And as for things I never got around to doing at all--it's always for stuff outside of school. For example, I had so much planned for myself during winter break. I was going to post more on my LJ. Write some Myst poetry and fanfiction. Be more involved with UU. Replay Revelation and make a journal for it. Submit play proposals for the theater department for next season. Be more physically active, as much as bad winter weather would allow. Finish some of the videogames I started. How many of these plans have I accomplished? NONE!
What stopped me? I had all the time in the world! I had nearly SIX weeks of vacation! I basically just sat on my rear for nearly a month!
Why do I do it? Being lazy is fun for a time, but it does get boring after awhile. And what am I waiting for to stop this pattern of procrastination? The stroke of midnight on New Year's was going to be the dawning of a more productive Samantha, but getting slammed with the flu that night put an end to that. Argh! Am I waiting for a sign or something? Why wait any longer??
Ah well, "to dwell in the past is to die in the present." Instead of beating myself up, how about I say what I DID accomplish?
I got a small part-time job as a secretary at the church I used to attend. Very few hours a week, but they paid well. I beat Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, Feel The Magic XX/XY, and Sprung. I did write some Myst fanfic, but only a pure stream-of-consciousness journal entry from Sirrus' POV, and a random Riven poem. I got to hang out with my hometown friends, and spend time with my father.
And I just updated my blog. :)
I'm a procrastinator. I wasn't when I was younger, but ever since my first year in college, I find myself putting projects to the side more and more. It's not that I'm skipping schoolwork or getting bad grades; I just don't like the feeling of putting things off until the last minute anymore. I would feel more prepared and less stressed if I didn't wait until the night before to write that essay, or do that project. I know this. But of course, it still doesn't stop me from doing it. And as for things I never got around to doing at all--it's always for stuff outside of school. For example, I had so much planned for myself during winter break. I was going to post more on my LJ. Write some Myst poetry and fanfiction. Be more involved with UU. Replay Revelation and make a journal for it. Submit play proposals for the theater department for next season. Be more physically active, as much as bad winter weather would allow. Finish some of the videogames I started. How many of these plans have I accomplished? NONE!
What stopped me? I had all the time in the world! I had nearly SIX weeks of vacation! I basically just sat on my rear for nearly a month!
Why do I do it? Being lazy is fun for a time, but it does get boring after awhile. And what am I waiting for to stop this pattern of procrastination? The stroke of midnight on New Year's was going to be the dawning of a more productive Samantha, but getting slammed with the flu that night put an end to that. Argh! Am I waiting for a sign or something? Why wait any longer??
Ah well, "to dwell in the past is to die in the present." Instead of beating myself up, how about I say what I DID accomplish?
I got a small part-time job as a secretary at the church I used to attend. Very few hours a week, but they paid well. I beat Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, Feel The Magic XX/XY, and Sprung. I did write some Myst fanfic, but only a pure stream-of-consciousness journal entry from Sirrus' POV, and a random Riven poem. I got to hang out with my hometown friends, and spend time with my father.
And I just updated my blog. :)
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