Bloggin' from The Bend of Time

Thursday, August 18, 2005


See above.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Another goodbye

Today was the day that I made the decision to say goodbye--to Parna, my Animal Crossing town.

Adam bought it when it came out, in September 2002. If you don't know what it's about, think The Sims Lite for Kids. You have a cutesy avatar of yourself, and you take care of your town. Whether you're pulling weeds and digging up fossils, contributing to the museum, fishing and bug-catching, selling goods to other villagers to pay off your house loan, visiting your own personal island, writing letters, visiting other towns, having your friends set up their own homes, planting trees and flowers to beautify the town, or participating in special events, you are a part of the town you create. Also, you are the only human--your fellow townies are various animals, with different personalities.

I made my own town on a whim; I wasn't really interested in the game at all, but I had nothing else to do that evening. By the end of the night I was hooked. I played it day by day for almost three years.

However, once I started playing the Myst games, I had neglected my town. Oh sure, I visited every week or so after I finished Riven, just to keep Parna from drowning in weeds, but I wasn't nearly as dedicated as I was before. And tonight, I decided that my village and I must part ways.

Still, it's not a total goodbye to the Animal Crossing world. The DS version will (hopefully) come out in November, with Wi-Fi play. So I will share and help create a whole new town.

However, there is only one Parna in the world. So goodbye Parnites, current and friends who moved away, and good luck.

I miss them already.

I spoke too damn soon.

Of course we can't move on...that would make everything too simple.

What really disappoints me is that the URU Fairy puzzle (and possibly the Allan Quatermain puzzle) is part of Gehn's ObsessionNetwork, and I'm refraining from contributing over there. So a sincere good luck to the puzzle-solvers, I hope you crack the code. And send what you find to the other communities! :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Let's move on, shall we?

Well, the whole UO/MO debacle is over and done with (at least for now). A shame that the Allan Quatermain and URU Fairy puzzle threads were lost with the server change, but it's worth it to see the mods reinstated and order restored, the galaxy is at peace, cue the Super Metroid end theme. I'm looking forward to hacking into Bob O'Goobo's account for bahroglyphs and refreshing YouSendIt again. :)

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

oh noes forum drama

Holy hell. I have no real idea of what is going on at UO/MO, and I really don't want any summaries.

I'm a shy gal, both in RL and on the internet. For the most part, if I don't have anything nice or interesting to say, I don't say (or post) anything at all.

And oh god, I cannot handle conflict. I know I'm a coward, but just trying to read some of the goodbye posts has sent me to a near-anxiety attack: my heart starts racing, I start shaking, and my stomach threatens to come out through my throat.

I can tell you another reason why I don't jump in the fray--I'm a goon. I lurk and post at Something Awful, the website that offensively and humorously makes fun of the worst that the information superhighway has to offer. Hell, I have a negative postcount (and others might know what I'm talking about here). The SA community can take a step back and see the sheer ridiculousness of internet drama. So what if someone insulted you on the web?? WHO CARES?! All I can do is laugh, because some goons that get rightfully banned because they broke the rules write the inevitable goodbye post, which consists of "I don't care about SA anymore, screw you" and/or "I'm a rebel against your horrible leadership, I am a martyr for teh intarweb cause!!111" but is the size of War and Peace. Apathy means writing epic literature about it, I guess.

I just can't see the use of pitching an e-fit. As we goons say with dripping sarcasm, "The Internet is serious business." Ignore the trolls, they're attention whores, and boy are they fun to completely ignore.

Also, about the dreaded "Myst curse" (lol). SPOILER WARNING: EVERY FUCKING FANDOM GOES THROUGH THIS SHIT. The Myst community is not special in this regard. We only notice it more because we are a small group. For example, the Doctor Who fandom (which is HUGE) was practically in the same situation as UO is right now, and all because Doctor Who got renewed after 20 years of cancellation. You'd think that all Whovians would have hugged each other and just have been happy that Who was alive again. And that happened--for a while. Then the fandom turned on each other like a pack of rabid dogs because the new show wasn't exactly like they imagined it being. Some couldn't bear the fact that the world and television had changed since the 7th Doctor walked off into the sunset with Ace in 1987. The fandom had calmed down somewhat, but it's already flared up again. The Whovians have this dance every bloody time the Doctor regenerates. Some are already complaining, "Oh no, an actor who hasn't even started playing the role is gonna be crap, I can feel it in teh wind!!" OH yeah, way to rage against the machine there, buddy.

ALL members of ANY fandom HAVE to remember that although we love Show/Game/Movie X and each other for having this love in common, that it is ONLY a show, ONLY a videogame, ONLY a movie. And it certainly ain't worth the massive amount of angry noise. Someone in a thread calling you a bitch, an asshole, an idiot? Ignore it and move on with your life.

I'm no different. This blog entry? WORDS WORDS WORDS, too long didn't read, G B S.