Bloggin' from The Bend of Time

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Twin Peaks and Carnivale are twinsies

1. They share an actor--Michael Anderson played The Man From Another Place in Peaks, and Samson in Carnivale.
2. Said actor describes Carnivale as "Twin Peaks with logic".
3. Both are very creepy yet aren't relentlessly dark.
4. I love both of them.

BONUS EXAMPLE: Both shows got cancelled after a season-ending cliffhanger!



  • At 11:57 AM, Blogger Linda M Au said…

    Hi, I know you from the UO forums and came here, only to find a fellow Carnivale fan! Oh dear, what do you know about it having been cancelled? I just assumed there would be a season 3 at some point. No??

  • At 8:31 PM, Blogger Sorceress said…

    I got the bad news from one of the Livejournal communities devoted to Carnivale, which gets their news from the Carnivale Yahoo!Group. HBO made an official announcement not long after. :(

  • At 6:52 PM, Blogger Linda M Au said…

    Yes, I see it on their web site now (in the forums). Ugh. I hope the petition ideas work. They could have ended Season 2 without any cliffhangers (in fact, I was surprised there was such a HUGE cliffhanger), but since they did have loose ends, they should find a way to tie those up. (sniffle)

    I guess it's back to watching Deadwood. ;)

  • At 7:42 PM, Blogger The Zombieslayer said…

    Dang, wish I had HBO if you could use Twin Peaks and Carnivale in the same sentence.


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