Bloggin' from The Bend of Time

Saturday, April 09, 2005

What the--

Sweet Lord, I'm now 22 years old. Twenty-two.

I am now an adult.

Until I read what I wrote just now, I didn't feel any different. I haven't felt like I was getting older since I was 16; I've always felt the same. Maybe it's because I was always pretty mature for my age--but then again I still sometimes feel like a child, unsure of my place in the world. But now it's coming upon the time to actually commit to finding my place, and it's a little frightening.

And no, I don't know why I'm feeling this way now when I've already passed that age when everyone else seems to have their "what am I gonna do with my life" phase at 21.

I guess I'm having what one might call a "pre-life crisis". But I'm still excited about my birthday! I got some money from Auntie Carol and Uncle Bob, some nice spring clothing from Cousin Sherri, a Wavebird (a wireless controller for the Gamecube) from Adam, and a package from my mother is on its way. I'm going to buy myself some treats at the mall tomorrow, and maybe catch a movie.

I'm only going to be 22 once in my life. Might as well make the year worthwhile!


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