Bloggin' from The Bend of Time

Monday, February 14, 2005

Leaves on a twigg and other unfinished business

We got a few more crumbs thrown our way, so now we have: numbers, ages, people, visited, talking. The latest attempt is to count the number of people we met in the games, and the number of ages. It's nice to have enough clues to be able to go in a direction, even if it ends up being the wrong direction. I think we'll have to wait for another morsel before we can get the answer.

I beat The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap a couple of days ago. It's not a Zelda masterpiece (probably because it was made by Capcom and not Nintendo), but it's a solid fun adventure. The evil sorcerer Vaati looks disconcertingly emo yet adorable in his sprite-like way. Now I'm finishing collecting the miniatures so I can unlock the sound test. I also have to find that one last Kinstone fusion. I'm still missing enough Heart Pieces to fill two hearts, and I completely missed the opportunity to get the Light Arrows. Perhaps I'll start a new game in a few months; I don't like leaving things undone in my Zelda games, but I don't want to replay the whole thing again just yet.

I'm looking forward to playing WarioWare Touched for the DS tomorrow (assuming it arrives at EB on time). Those minigames are insanely fun. It will be nice to play a new DS game period. I wish all the games I'm awaiting for the system were coming out a little closer together. I shouldn't complain though; I still haven't fully completed Feel The Magic. Or Sprung. Or Mario 64. Or the Metroid Hunters demo. And let's not even talk about my pile of unfinished GBA and Gamecube games. Blarg.

Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day!


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