Bloggin' from The Bend of Time

Thursday, April 28, 2005

And I am confused

When exactly did Enterprise start to not suck? There was awesome, HOT mirror-universe action going on last week, and it's a two-parter.

I've always believed that it was the show's writing that was weak and never the acting (well, maybe on Captain Quantum's part). Maybe I won't write the entire series off in my head with "LA LA LA IT ALL HAPPENED ON THE HOLODECK". You know what? Just let Sam Beckett Leap back home and give Dr. Phlox's actor more work, because he is the man.


  • At 5:04 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Yeah...I've only seen the first half...but it's really cool! I love alternate universes...

    The whole thing was just very eerie (especially the beginning with "First Contact", because you were expecting one thing to happen, and when Cochrane shoots the Vulcan... O_O... not to mention the creepy opening theme)


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