Bloggin' from The Bend of Time

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Enterprise Is Dead, But Trek Will Live

I'm not sure how to start this. How about a warning? Okay, WARNING: SPOILERS!

The series finale of Enterprise was on tonight. I'm left feeling indifferent, although I'm sure I wouldn't be feeling that way if I had followed the entire show. I lost interest in the middle of Season Two, and have only started watching it again when they showed the Mirror Universe two-parter. If I had kept up with the whole series, I would have felt far more disappointed.

It was a double-dose of Enterprise; the first episode was the conclusion to the Terra prime episode. There was excellent acting by both Billingsley and Trinnear (Phlox and Trip). That should have been the series finale, because the actual finale...

Look. I love The Next Generation. It's my favorite Trek series. Troi and Riker are cool. But the finale should have been about Enterprise and its crew, not a giant shoutout to TNG. It's a bit of a slap to the face to the Enterprise actors, because most of the focus was on Riker!

They also killed off Trip. It's almost funny; at the start of Enterprise, I wanted to shove him off into space, he annoyed me so much. Now they've killed the character needlessly, and I hate that he's dead!

This series overall also needed more Phlox, but I've been of the opinion of late that everything needs more Phlox. He is the only character I will truly miss from the show.

So I look back at what I watched (and the few better later episodes that I've been able to find), and I'm so disappointed. This show could have been so much more. The acting was fine, and while there are far worse television shows out there, this Trek iteration was just flat and uninspired. It's probably for the best then that I'm not nearly as hardcore about Trek as I was when I was a preteen.

But Star Trek isn't dead, although Berman and Braga made every attempt to kill it (by the way, get these two away from Trek permanently). Quite simply, it's too big to die, and the fans won't let it die. The format allows for imagination and infinite possibilities. Let the TV series lie fallow for awhile. Nothing wrong with taking a break. Let future Trek writers rest, and dream. Hell, The Original Series ended with a whimper, and look what happened?


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